[2020-04-17] I vilket Jesper och Erik läser rapporten Types, Sources, and Claims of COVID-19 Misinformation.
De huvudsakliga fynden (sid 1) i rapporten är:
- ”the number of English-language fact-checks rose more than 900% from January to March”
- ”most (59%) of the misinformation in our sample involves various forms of reconfiguration”
- ”politicians, celebrities, and other prominent public figures made up just 20% of the claims in our sample but accounted for 69% of total social media engagement.”
- ”international bodies like the WHO or the UN, are the single largest category of [false] claims identified, appearing in 39% of our sample”
- ”On Twitter, 59% of posts rated as false in our sample by fact-checkers remain up. On YouTube, 27% remain up, and on Facebook, 24% of false-rated content in our sample remains up without warning labels.”
Lyssna direkt:
Types, Sources, and Claims of COVID-19 Misinformation. Informationspandemi – Desinformation i skuggan av Coronakrisen. Hallåans sorg: Mamman dog i misstänkt corona. Wegerup (Expressen) Italienska rapporteringen om Sverige – mörk och falsk. Tim Miller (The Bulwark) The Ballad of Clay Travis. Följ Erik och Jesper på Twitter och använd gärna hashtaggen #Mediespanarna eller fältet nedan för att kommentera avsnittet.